If you would like to improve the aesthetic of your smile, hiding cosmetic imperfections in a conservative way our dentists and team may recommend that you get dental bonding on your teeth. This treatment is beneficial for patients who would like to close small gaps between their teeth, improve the appearance of misshapen, discolored or stained teeth, and restore chips on the teeth.

This treatment is completed with a tooth-colored composite resin. When the resin is first applied to the tooth, it is very flexible and putty-like, allowing our team at Adam Dental Care to shape and sculp the tooth to a natural look. We will then harden, trim and polish the tooth for a beautiful result. Dental bonding is quick and comfortable — our team can typically complete the treatment in just one short appointment.

The results of getting dental bonding in Woodbridge, Virginia, are clear and stunning. You will be sure to leave the office of Dr. Ibrahim El-Garawany and associates with beautiful, natural-looking and long-lasting results. If you are interested in this treatment, be sure to schedule an appointment with our team at 703-221-9759.

Our experienced team looks forward to caring for your teeth and helping you smile with confidence again.