Our skilled dentists and team perform dental cleanings in Woodbridge, Virginia, to help you keep your smile healthy and fresh. The American Dental Association® recommends that you visit every six months for a routine dental cleaning and examination. Although some may see these routine preventive appointments as negligible, they are crucial in keeping your smile healthy for life so that you can avoid needing costly and complicated restorative treatments.

During your dental cleaning, Dr. Ibrahim El-Garawany and associates will check your smile for signs of damage, decay and other irregularities. These appointments are a great way to keep your teeth healthy because we can identify signs of damage and decay early, treating the problem before extensive dental intervention is needed.

When you come to Adam Dental Care for a dental cleaning, our team will:

  • Clean your teeth, removing plaque and tartar
  • Floss and polish your teeth for a healthier smile
  • Examine your smile and create treatment plans based on your smile’s needs

If you have any questions about this service or if you would like to schedule your dental appointment with our team, be sure to call Adam Dental Care at 703-221-9759. Our dental team is friendly and gentle, and we will help you have a positive, enjoyable experience.