Our dentists and team can restore your child’s smile with a pediatric dental crown in Woodbridge, Virginia, returning it to a good state of oral health. At Adam Dental Care, we follow the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s recommendation to use stainless steel dental crowns to restore the baby teeth. Dr. Ibrahim El-Garawany and associates may recommend this as a treatment for children who have extensive tooth decay or have received a pulpotomy. A dental crown can restore a tooth that has been significantly damaged or decayed. The baby tooth crown is custom made to fit over the entire tooth to restore the tooth to its original shape and size.

Some of the benefits of getting a stainless steel dental crown include:

  • Durability
  • Inexpensive treatment
  • Protection for the affected teeth
  • Minimal tooth sensitivity
  • Improved success rate for children under the age of 4
  • Effective space maintainer

If you are interested in scheduling an appointment for your child, our dentists and team would be more than happy to assess your child’s smile to determine if this treatment is right for him or her. Call our office at 703-221-9759 to set up your appointment. Our dentists and team look forward to caring for your smile needs.